May 14, 2014

Project Timeline

Hello all, 
This post is a summary of our progress on the project so far and what we plan to do in the few weeks that remain in this term. 

Weeks 1 - 4 | Literature study and electrical design
In the first four weeks, we focused on learning about how the Arduino works and how everything connects to the Arduino board. We started plugging in all of the components into the Arduino and managed to get each piece working. This included figuring out how the Arduino outputted data from the sensors and getting it to do this through the LCD module. Most of this was done with the help of online sources which can be found in the "Tutorials and Sources" page.

Weeks 4 - 7 | Electrical design and Arduino programming
We connected the Bluetooth module to the Arduino at the end of week four and got the device to output data to a smartphone over Bluetooth connection. A new sensor was also tested out in week six. It was during this time that code was starting to be written for the device. We managed to get the device to detect when there is no heart rate, but there is not yet code for the detection of an irregular heart rate. The sample code that came with the new sensor included code for the calculation of peaks and troughs in a heart rate. We are currently working on using this code to get the device to detect an irregular heart rate. A draft of the final report was written at the end of week six and can be found in the "Reports and Documents" page.

Weeks 7 - 10 | Finishing up and writing the final report
In the last few weeks left in the term, we hope to fix up the code for the detection of irregularities in a heart rate. We also need to work on putting the device together in a way that is portable. The draft of the final report has to be adjusted to include the activities done since week six. And a presentation has to be made.

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